German Curriculum

German as a foreign language

German as a native language

The German program at the Capitol School includes classes for elementary, middle and high school students:

  • German as a foreign language

  • German as a native language

German as a foreign language - elementary school students

  • The students are introduced to the German language and culture based upon the ALABAMA COURSE OF STUDY WORLD LANGUAGES

  • The focus in this age group is the communication and cultural aspects with reading and writing skills also taught

  • The students' favorite way of learning is through games, songs and creative activities inside and outside the classroom

  • Students especially love the "Schultüten" on their first day of Kindergarten/First Grade and the Lantern-walk in November

German as a foreign language - middle and high school

  • The students learn German based upon the ALABAMA COURSE OF STUDY WORLD LANGUAGES guidelines

  • Communication skills as well as reading and writing German are taught and cultural aspects are compared and contrasted

  • The work includes guided classroom activities, various projects, songs and games

  • Learning or applying technology skills (for example google slides, powerpoint presentations)

German as a native language - elementary school students

  • Vorschule - Exploring the German language, letters, sounds, syllables and words in a creative and playful way; introduction to reading and writing

  • 1. - 4. Klasse - German classes are based on the current curriculum of Baden-Württemberg, Germany.

  • Workbooks and textbooks used are "ABC der Tiere 1 - 4", Mildenberger Verlag

German for native German middle and high school students

  • The German classes for native German middle and high school students are offered based on the current curriculum of Baden-Württemberg, Germany

  • Textbooks and workbooks used are from the series "Deutschbuch", Cornelsen Verlag.

  • High school students are encouraged to participate in the University of Alabama's "German Day" (statewide German competition)

German for near native and heritage speakers

  • Students of the near native or heritage level will be given the opportunity to learn with native students and/or German as a foreign language students, based on their skill level and availability.

Lesen und schreiben lernen -

Vorschule und Beginn der ersten Klasse

In der ersten Klasse werden außerdem das "Schreiblernheft ABC der Tiere 1" und das "Arbeitsheft ABC der Tiere 1" bearbeitet.

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Lesen und schreiben lernen

Suggested Homework

German as a foreign language and for heritage speakers:

Deutsch für Grundschüler:

Deutsch für Sekundarstufe 1 und 2, für Muttersprachler und "heritage speaker":

  • lies ein deutsches Buch

  • lies und höre deutsche Tagesschau

  • übe Rechtschreibung, Grammatik, Textverständnis oder Mathematik auf

  • übe Rechtschreibung, Grammatik auf

  • diskutiere Themen, die dich interessieren, mit Eltern und Freunden

  • schreibe Freunden und Verwandten deutsche E-Mails oder Briefe

  • schreibe Tagebuch