School Fundraising
Smoked Boston Butts
Several times a year, we sell smoked Boston butts and chickens to help support the Capitol School facilities and activities. You can pick up an order form for these sales in the office.
Indian River Fruit Sale
In the fall, the PTC sells Indian River Fruit to raise funds to help support various events held throughout the year, such as the school-wide Thanksgiving dinner. You can pick up order forms in the office or order online.
RV Parking
The Capitol School Foundation welcomes your interest in making a donation to our Children's International Library by purchasing a parking pass to park your RV in our lot during the University of Alabama football season. Your donation will buy library books to help our children learn, and in return you'll get to park your RV in our school parking lot.
How Do I Sign Up?
Call The Capitol School office to check availability (205-758-2828)
Download the application and liability forms.
Mail the forms, along with your donation check (made payable to: The Capitol School Foundation), to:
The Capitol School Foundation
2828 6th Street
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401Check in with the office on the Friday before Game Day. We must have your application and liability forms in hand before we will allow you to park your RV.
Have a blast with Alabama football! Roll Tide!